Ventajas de Alquilar impresoras, fotocopiadoras y/o multifuncionales

Resuelva todas las necesidades de impresión, copiado y digitalización de documentos (escáner) sin tener que invertir en activos fijos, usted paga únicamente por lo que imprima o copie. Ahorra tiempo y dinero ya que nosotros nos encargamos del perfecto funcionamiento de las máquinas ya sean multifuncionales, fotocopiadoras, scanners o impresoras.


Los equipos digitales Canon están diseñados para satisfacer sus necesidades de Impresión, Copiado, Digitalización y de Envió y Recepción de Fax de forma rápida, segura y fácil de usar. Contamos con un equipo de profesionales entrenados integralmente por Canon Latinoamérica lo que nos permite brindar un soporte técnico, rápido y eficaz logrando así un óptimo funcionamiento de nuestros equipos.

Somos una empresa con años de experiencia brindando soluciones de impresión y copiado a nuestros clientes en todo el territorio Nacional. Nosotros hacemos la inversión por usted en multifuncionales, impresoras, fotocopiadoras y/o scanners llámenos.

La calidad de nuestros servicios junto a nuestros excelentes precios nos ha permitido optimizar la gestión documental de reconocidas empresas a nivel nacional. Queremos extenderle nuestros servicios, los cuales les conducirán a un mejoramiento tecnológico con equipos que permitan concentrar grandes trabajos en unidades de impresión, sofisticados, brindando una copia/impresión de alta calidad al costo más bajo del mercado.

  • Todo incluido. El precio que paga por página incluye todo lo necesario: equipo, instalación, mantenimiento, tóner, repuestos, reparaciones y servicio.
  • Sin inversión en equipos. Le instalamos los equipos que se ajusten a su necesidad de impresión sin que usted desembolse un peso.
  • Tecnología actualizada y moderna que mejora la productividad.

Ofrecemos dos tipos de servicio:

Mantenimiento preventivo y correctivo de impresoras y fotocopiadoras marca Kyocera o Canon que tenga en su empresa.

Mantenimiento y reparacion de impresorasAdministración de todos los equipos de impresión, copiado y escáner que tenga en su empresa. Si nos escoge como administradores nosotros nos encargamos de mantener todos los equipos con revisiones preventivas periódicas y correctivas cuando lo requiera, además de incluir dentro del precio de administración los repuestos y tóner.

3. Better Understand Your Needs And The Users

In the aggregate, diagnose problems, analyze trends, improve the features and usability of the Services, and better understand and market to our customers and users. Keep the Services safe and secure for everyone using the app from administrators to regular users with limited rights and other aspects of the business

3.1. In These Ways Please Stop Using The Services

Kobe Landing Page uses tracking technology on the landing page, in the Applications, and in the Platforms, including mobile application identifiers and a unique Hootsuite user ID to help us recognize you across different Services, to monitor usage and web traffic routing for the Services, and to customize.

3.2. By Visiting Kobe Or Using The Services You Agree

For example, each time you visit the Website or otherwise use the Services, we automatically collect your IP address, browser and device type, access times, the web page from which you came, the regions from which you navigate the web page , and the web page(s) you access. When you first register for a Kobe account.

  • To identify you when you login to your account so we can start or user security process for the entire session and duration and the need to protect sensitive data for the user and their company
  • To enable us to operate the Services and provide them to you without fear of losing precious confidential information of your users and find more stuff to place on the shelves
  • To verify your transactions and for purchase confirmation, billing, security, and authentication (including security tokens for communication with installed). Always take security measures
  • To better understand your needs and the needs of users in the aggregate, diagnose problems, analyze trends, improve the features and usability of the Services, and better understand and market
  • We also use non-identifiable information gathered for statistical purposes to keep track of the number of visits to the Services with a view to introducing improvements and improve

4. We May Share This Type Of Statistical Data

Sell or market Kobe Landing Page products and services to you or in other parts of the world where legislation is less restrictive. Needs and the needs of users in the aggregate, diagnose problems, analyze trends, improve the features and usability of the Services, and better understand and market to our customers and users

  • 1.
    Details lightbox for more details information, statistics numbers for important values, card slider for testimonials, image slider for customer logos and working forms positioned in the right place
  • 2.
    Some useful extra pages are bundled with the template lik article details, terms conditions and privacy policy which can be customized as per your requirements and other user needs manifested in emails
  • 3.
    Kobe has an impactful dark style design combined with warm colors and angular background shapes with the unique goal of making your mobile app stand out from the crowd needs to see this app
  • 4.
    Kobe is an easy to customize landing page HTML template built with Bootstrap for promoting mobile apps to the online audience and making visitors download them from app stores built by the media companies
  • 5.
    This template is built with HTML, CSS and Bootstrap to ensure the highest flexibility for all users. All designers, developers and tech-savvy people will be able to customize and modify all required aspects

Among The Features You Will Find Details Lightbox

For more details information, tabbed content for feature details, video lightbox, card slider for testimonials, statistics numbers for important values, image slider for customer logos, dropdown navigation and useful extra pages for article details, terms conditions and privacy policy light design. Build an engaging online presentation for your mobile app and convince visitors to return.

Help you showcase your mobile app online and persuade visitors to download it from the app stores. The author used Bootstrap to build the template and integrated a nice animated navigation that slides from outside the screen. Features include an eye catching morphtext in the header, details lightbox and other features.

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